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Alte Zachen

Alte Zachen

The group was founded by Raphael Rogiński (known from Shofar, Wovoka and Cukunft) and the line-up was complete when Ola Rzepka (Drekoty, Wovoka), Bartek Tyciński and Macio Moretti (Mitch and Mitch, Baaba, Paristetris) joined. All these musicians are known for their typically hectic musical activities and this time around they met to perform Chassidic music mixed with rock'n'roll, surf and psychedelia.

Their first album – entitled Total Gimel – is meant to be a tribute to surf culture which is being observed by band members (without their active participation, though). The band name itself is derived from the slang of Israeli scrap metal collectors and reflects Alten Zachen's attitude: nowadays they play music that sounds as if it was made in the 60's even though it's been part of the culture for 150 years now. And its roots are 5000 years old.


Raphael Rogiński  /  guitar

Bartłomiej Tyciński  /  guitar

Macio Moretti  /  bass

Ola Rzepka  /  drums



Total Gimel

Alte Zachen

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