The album Babadag is a collection of songs written by the singer-songwriter Ola Bilińska and arranged by the whole band: Szymon Tarkowski (Pustki, Płyny) on bass and steel drum, Hubert Zemler (Incarnations, Naatu, Szazaze) on drums and percussion instruments, and Maciej Cieślak (Ścianka) on electric and acoustic guitar. The idea behind the album was to create "organic" music, flowing from the body rather than the intellect, performed primarily on acoustic instruments, referring to primeval, often ritualistic, sounds and rhythms. What resulted from this mixture are song-tales, song-myths with lyrics, in Polish and English, using traditional themes and symbols filtered through the songwriter's contemporary sensitivity. The band draws from versatile musical traditions - from North American folk, through Eastern European "white" singing, to afro-beat - using instruments as different as banjo, glockenspiel, steel drum and Tibetan cymbals, all to create an otherworldly sound of its own.
Ola Bilińska / voice, other instruments
Maciej Cieślak / guitar
Szymek Tarkowski / bass
Hubert Zemler / drums