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Pictorial Candi

Pictorial Candi

Pictorial Candi, mostly known as Candelaria Saenz Valiente, vocalist of Paristetris, has recorded her first solo cd: "Eat Your Coney Island". Hurrah. For the occasion she's learnt to play a crap guitar, which can be heard in a couple of tunes. It's mostly a mellow trip that starts off singy songyly, goes through a few punkish moments, onto a giant organ orgazm, and ends in a psychodelic trombone opus.
The recording was done with the help of Jerzy Rogiewicz, Eddie Stevens, Adam Byczkowski, Piotr Zabrodzki, Kuba Ziołek, Tom Pop, Marcin Masecki i Piotr Wróbel.


Candelaria Saenz Valiente / everything


Forever till you die

Pictorial Candi


Pictorial Candi


Eat Your Coney Island

Pictorial Candi

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